Wednesday, July 2, 2008

DEBT! another bad 4 letter word...

In response to What Debt?...

I agree. It makes me sick to think of all this money being spent and not everyone REALLY sees it put to use in a personal matter. Major programs that go into effect should benefit more than half of the population and those programs that benefit minority groups should be scaled down and sized to fit a minority group. There should not be any program that spends billions of dollars to please a small amount of people unless it is without a doubt necessary in every way for these particular people’s livelihood. I figure there are people who work in our government who get paid the big bucks to critically analyze this astronomical budget but maybe they should hire some debt consolidators or cut throat analyzers who know how to keep what is needed and do away with what is not needed.

The inflation and the increasing national debt of the United States do not seem to get better anytime soon. How are citizens of the U.S. supposed to get out of debt themselves when inflation continues to climb? The stimulus checks they sent out were supposed to stimulate the economy. I guess when people turn around and spend their stimulus check on bills and other debts that might stimulate the economy. I really do not know how that is supposed to help. On top of that, most college students, children, and people who do not make much annually received a $300 check while other citizens who make more money annually received up to or possibly more than $1,200 stimulus check. We live in a country where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and there is an increasing divide between the two groups.

I do not know what needs to be done to change this current situation but something needs to happen. There are geniuses all over the world who are thinking of possible ways to cure cancer and AIDS. Surely there is a way to lessen the national debt and make inflation deflate!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Conviction v. Counseling

After reading this anyone can see how the prison population is overcrowded and unfair in some cases. It is an absolute shame that most citizens in jail have not even been convicted of a crime and are waiting to be tried. Whatever happened to being guilty until proven innocent or the speedy trial citizens are supposed to receive? From looking at these statistics anyone can tell that most of them have risen significantly over a matter of years.

One huge issue in these statistics is that of drug related violations. Thirty-one percent of those convicted are in prison or jail for drug related incidences. Yes, doing drugs and providing a way for others to do drugs is bad but is it prison worthy? I believe that these people who are doing and dealing drugs need COUNSELING not a CONVICTION. I have never been to prison or could even begin to understand how harsh and horrible it is, but I am trying to imagine how these felons could get LIFE CHANGING help while serving a prison sentence. These individuals should be sentenced to long counseling sessions, parole of sorts, and extreme community service that involves encouraging kids to “say no” and discouraging them from other juvenile delinquent behaviors. I know that some organizations such as Big Brother Big Sister do extensive background checks that probably would not allow some of these people to take part in their organization but there are other ways to be a positive force in a child’s life.

Other alarming statistics are those of the average person being convicted and serving time over the course of their life. There should be more organizations for children in every community such as after school programs that encourage productivity and help children socialize in healthy ways rather than others that may lead them to be another one of these many statistics. I would say it would be highly unusual for a person to wake up one day in their early twenties and decided then and there that they wanted to be convict. These patterns are developed earlier in life in most cases and without the help from willing members of society to encourage kids and keep them out of trouble these rates will continue to climb.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

In Agreement on Gas Prices

In response to Is There An End In Sight? ...

I totally agree with you. It seems as if our nation is in a downward spiral of negative economical effects because of the high gas prices. When it cost people twice as much to commute to work as it did two years ago and these same people have not received a pay raise then these individuals are unable to compensate. Instead of not driving to work which would ensure the loss of their job, these people are forced to cut back on expenses elsewhere which in turn affects other aspects of our economy and drives those prices up as well.

Head officials of the U.S. have been giving citizens the run around. They say they are doing what they can, meanwhile the only change we see are the increasing gas prices! Officials have been vague about plans to reduce gas prices and increase drilling for oil off shores. I suspect if they do not get their plans in action the economy will only become worse and many citizens may face severe financial difficulties trying to maintain the life they are used to while budgeting their gas expenses.

"This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as the cost of a barrel of crude is a whopping $44.34. Wow, it seems shocking that a product of finite supply gets more expensive the more we use it. Now the terror alert means higher oil prices, which oddly enough means higher profits for oil companies giving them more money to give to politicians whose policies may favor the oil companies such as raising the terror alert level. As Simba once told us: "It's the circle of life." ~Jon Stewart

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The future of America is "lazy": Who is to blame???

Many people can recall their own government and history classes they have had to take through out their schooling. Agree or disagree, I believe that the lack of interest in government of the youth today is contributed to the lack of appropriate education in government and history courses. All of my government and history teachers from kindergarten through twelfth grade have been coaches. I am not saying that these teachers of mine were not smart or did not do a good job trying to teach us these subjects that are required by the states but in actuality they really did not encourage me to think critically or have any other type of interest in the material. I'm not saying that ALL government and history teachers are like this, but mine sure were!

I can remember countless days of going out to the "Ag shop" where my government class was held. I would come into the room, sit down, and the assignment would be on the board. The typical, day-to-day assignments for these classes were to read the chapter and do the questions at the end or rewrite the vocabulary and turn it in for a completion grade. While most students would be doing their work the athletes in the class would talk to "Coach" about what plays to do on Friday night or what practice would be like that day. There were never any in depth conversations or debates about government. No encouragement to really analyze the history of the government. Just "busy work".

I know there are specific requirements for teaching in Texas and all states for that matter but maybe it is time to raise the bar. If the youth is viewed as indifferent to the government maybe there should be some excitement added to the government and history class rooms! I know the teachers can not be blamed for 100% of a students indifference because parents effect their students too but teachers should be encouraging to students if they wish for them to take part in the government and be productive adults at some point. Teachers should try to build interest in politics and help students understand how the government works on a basic level. Many students who might have been taught by a careless teacher might miss this fundamental government knowledge.

Overall, the states need to analyze the students progress in EVERY aspect of academics. If we are the future of America then interest in government is crucial. The low voter turn out rate for ages 18 to 29 shows that the lack of interest is effecting our government. This growing group of voices is hardly heard. Even though we may not be certified teachers we can still be educators and encourage others in our generation and those who are younger to get interested in government!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Unemployment benefits: A bipartisan conflict

House refuses to extend unemployment benefits
Democrats plan to bring up measure again after narrow loss.

With the economy as bad as it is at this time it is easy to see how unemployment is on the rise. The unemployment rate has increased substantially and now it is time for congress to do something about it. As stated in the editorial House refuses to extend unemployment benefits, the democrats have attempted to give unemployed Americans 13 extra weeks of benefits. One such benefit is a $300 weekly allowance. The vote required a win of 2/3 but lost by only 3 votes.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who are for the extended benifits are not backing down too easy. However, the republicans are not totally against adjusting the benefits for the unemployed, they simply want to make adjustments where adjustments are needed in a more responsible way.
Reguardless of the loss yesterday against these extended benefits there will eventually be some agreement amongst the two parties. The House and the Senate both recognize the need for a change with these benefits and in due time there will be an agreement between the two and some changes will be made for the benefits of the unemployed.
Other than monetary compensation to the unemployeed, congress should brain storm ideas for helping these citizens become employed. It is like the saying "Don't give a man a fish. Teach him how to fish." If taxes are being used to help these unemployed citizens then that is similar to giving a man a fish. However, if there were more programs designated for these people inorder to help them get on their own two feet then that would be like teaching them how to fish. $300 a week is enough to survive but not much else if an unemployed individual has bills or medical expenses. There is no doubt that this monetary benefit is needed by these individuals but some supplemental job-finder program should be a requirement before recieving the money.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ever Rising Gas Prices

As most people know, gas prices are at an all time high and there are not many signs of these prices decreasing significantly for a while. As we creep into the hot summer days there have been predictions of future increases in gas prices. Reaching these unbearable prices makes some remember the good old days when it was only $15 to fill up your car.
As noted today in the article Gas Prices Continue Record Climb, the average price for regular-unleaded gasoline is $4.02 per gallon. Economists are afraid that with these ever increasing gasoline prices consumers will be forced to cut cost elsewhere which will have a negative effect on the economy. Economists also fear that if gas prices stay high and consumers cut back on energy use the prices for energy will rise as well as a result. Both of these factors play into the "supply-and-demand" issue.
This seems to be a way of life. Those people incharge of selling the oil recognize the demand for this product in the U.S. and see how easy it would be to make money off of it reguardless of what it may do to the economy. In the U.S. driving a car is a necessity for most people. Others have decided to do their part to help keep the environment clean, meanwhile avoiding these rising gasoline costs.
What will it take for gas prices to drop? Will people have to stop driving to work eventually? Will the supply and demand factor for bicycles when gas reaches outlandish prices rise too? Will people keep spending hard earned money to fill up their cars instead of spending money elsewhere? For the sake of the U.S. citizens, let's hope not!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nevada says "DUMP the DUMP!!!"

U.S. pushes ahead with nuclear dump
Bush administration files formal application Tuesday for Nevada nuclear waste site.

With all the talk these days about "going green" and preserving the environment, it's easy to see that not all people are on board with the concept. There are choice one can make that are fairly easy such as saving water bottles, driving hybrids or riding bikes, conserving water, and recycling paper. On the other hand, there are environmental issues that seem far out of reach for some citizens. One such environmental issue is that of the pending Nevada nuclear waste dump.

Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman is confident that the Nevada nuclear waste dump which will consists of 77,000 tons of highly radioactive wastes will be put under Yucca Mountain. Bodman claims that no harm will be done to residents nor the environment. Many Nevada citizens and officials are outraged and have protested the waste dump for years. Nevada's Gov. Jim Gibbons and other lawmakers have promised that they "will continue kill the dump."

Read the full article here.